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Adams • Benson • Cleveland • Franklin • Grant • Jackson • Jefferson • Lincoln • Madison • Marshall • Monroe • Roosevelt • Washington • Wilson
Enriching the Lives of Our Student-Athletes through
Participation in Competitive Sports

Lunch Conversations with Greg Crawford (Cleveland, 1968) and
various PIL Hall of Fame members.

This edition featuring PIL Hall of Fame members Jack Dunn (Lincoln, 1947), Don Lovell (Madison, 1981) and Dave Gasser (Madison, 1970)

This edition features PIL Hall of Fame member Leon McKenzie (Benson, 1971)

Pay it Forward to our Student Athletes

PIL Hall of Fame Paying It Forward graphic

Denny “Sully” Sullivan Award

In 2022, the Denny Sullivan Scholarship Award was established to honor the top graduating Portland Interscholastic League male and female track & field / cross country athletes as nominated by their schools. The winners are selected by an independent committee, and are honored at the annual Portland Interscholastic League Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony held each October.


Denny "Sully" Sullivan, Coach, Grant 1950s-1962

Denny "Sully" Sullivan, Coach, Grant 1950s-1962

Support the PIL HOF!

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all of our support options

Please Support the PIL Hall of Fame to help advance PIL athletes

Our Mission

The Portland Interscholastic League Hall of Fame supports the athletic programs and facilities of the Portland public high schools financially and as requested by the district, and honors student-athletes, coaches, administrators and others for their outstanding performances and contributions through annual selections to its Hall of Fame.

We rely on the generous support of our sponsor's, membership base and the countless hours our volunteer's give-back to help keep the PIL a highly competitive league and give our student-athletes the opportunity to participate in the sports they love.

The Portland Interscholastic League has a rich tradition is sports excellence dating back to at least 1900.

John Dunn (Wilson, 1973), PIL Hall of Fame President, discusses the benefits of the organization.

Sponsorship Opportunity!

Donations and funds generated by the activities of the PIL Hall of Fame, that are not used for annual operating expenses, are directed to the PIL athletic programs by the Board of Directors based on requests from the District Athletic Director. Your generosity will assist our league and student-athletes in a variety of ways including scholarships, participation fees, athletic trainers, athletic equipment and supplies, as well as facility upgrades and maintenance. View Current  Donors / View Current SponsorsView our Giving Options

Please Support Our Sponsors!

Special Thanks to Our Platinum Sponsor:

Harold & Margaret Taylor Foundation - PIL HOF Sponsor
And Appreciation to all: