The mission of the PIL Hall of Fame is to "Enrich the Lives of Our PIL Student-Athletes through Participation in Competitive Sports". Here's where the proceeds from your donations go: Online
Category: Build the Wall
category for Build the Wall donorship levels
Legacy Gift Intent FormLegacy Gift Intent Form
Tell us About Your Legacy Gift (C O N F I D E N T I A L) Thank you for your generous commitment to the Portland Interscholastic League (PIL)
PIL Hall of Fame Giving OpportunitiesPIL Hall of Fame Giving Opportunities
Help us Build the Future Brick by Brick Thank you for choosing to Pay it Forward and enrich the lives of our PIL Student-Athletes through participation in competitive sports. Note:
Buy A Brick DonorsBuy A Brick Donors
Thank You PIL Hall of Fame Supporters! With your help, we will Build the Future Brick by Brick! View Our Wall! Platinum Steve & Sheryl Rudolph (Wilson, 1975 & 1977)
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Thank you for your interest in becoming a supporter of the PIL Hall of Fame to help us "Build the Wall" to fulfill our mission of "Enriching the Lives of
Building the Future Brick by BrickBuilding the Future Brick by Brick
Updated: November 25, 2024