School: Adams

Brian Pienovi (Adams, 1974)

Brian PienoviBrian Pienovi

School: Adams Graduation Year: 1974 Sports Played: Basketball, Baseball Year Inducted: 2023 High School Honors: 1 Basketball letter as a Senior; Team Captain. 4 Baseball letters. 1st team All-PIL as

Michael Booker (Adams, 1972)

Michael Booker *Michael Booker *

School: Adams Graduation Year: 1972 Year Inducted: 2020 Sports Played: Football, Baseball, Track and Field High School Honors: 2 letters each in Football (captain), Basketball (captain), and Track. 2x PIL

Photo of Tom Swanson

Tom SwansonTom Swanson

Adams ~ Coach ~ PIL Volleyball Champions 1974 (second year of team existence) and 1975. Only Adams HS varsity team to win a PIL Championship in any sport.