School: Lincoln

Kylee Muir (Lincoln, 2009)

Kylee MuirKylee Muir

School: Lincoln Graduation Year: 2009 Year Inducted: 2020 Sports Played: Basketball, Softball High School Honors: 2 Basketball Letters. Freshman and Sophomore. 4 Softball Letters. 1st Team All-PIL all four years,

Jennie Archambauit (Lincoln, 2010)

Jennie ArchambaultJennie Archambault

School: Lincoln Graduation Year: 2010 Year Inducted: 2020 Sports Played: Soccer, Basketball, Softball High School Honors: 4 Letters each in Soccer, Basketball, and Softball. Starting goalie for State Championship Teams

Peter Baum (Lincoln, 2009)

Peter BaumPeter Baum

School: Lincoln Graduation Year: 2009 Year Inducted: 2020 Sport Played: Lacrosse High School Honors: 4 Lacrosse Letters. All-State and All-American as a Junior and Senior. State Championship team as a

Henry Furman (Lincoln, 2010)

Henry FurmanHenry Furman

School: Lincoln Graduation Year: 2010 Year Inducted: 2020 Sports Played: Football, Baseball High School Honors: 3 Letters each in Football and Baseball. 1st Team All-PIL and Les Schwab All-star quarterback

Photo of John Sheffield

John SheffieldJohn Sheffield

Lincoln ~ 2006 ~ 2 Football letters. 1st Team All-PIL, 1st Team All-State as Senior, leading Receiver in yards and receptions in Oregon, State Champion Team Captain, National Football Foundation Scholar Athlete. 3 Lacrosse letters,

Photo of Scout Libke

Scout LibkeScout Libke

Lincoln ~ 2009 ~ 4 Soccer letters. 1st Team All-PIL as Sophomore, Junior and Senior, 2nd Team All-State as Junior, 1st Team All-State as Senior, Undefeated State Champions as Junior and Senior. State Club

Photo of Omar Leary

Omar LearyOmar Leary

Lincoln ~ 2005 ~ 4 Basketball letters. 1st Team All-PIL as Sophomore and Senior, 2nd Team All-PIL as Junior, Honorable Mention All-State as Junior, 2nd Team All-State as Sophomore and Senior (Max Prep Hoops,

Photo of Marsha Lampi

Marsha LampiMarsha Lampi

Lincoln ~ 2007 ~ 4 Cross Country letters. PIL Cross Country Champion as Sophomore, Junior and Senior. 4 Track & Field letters. State Championship Team as a Senior, 2nd in the 3000m, 3rd

Photo of Kendall Johnson

Kendall JohnsonKendall Johnson

Lincoln ~ 2009 ~ 4 Soccer letters. 1st Team All-PIL and 1st Team All-State as Sophomore, Junior and Senior; State Semi-Finals as Sophomore, 2 State Soccer Championships as Junior and Senior, State Soccer Player

Photo of Jordan Polk

Jordan PolkJordan Polk

Lincoln ~ 2008 ~ 3 Football letters, 1st Team All-PIL as a Junior and Senior, All-State as a Senior. Schwab Bowl All-Star. Team Captain. 2 Basketball letters. 4 Track & Field letters,