Tim Vollmer

Tim Vollmer °Tim Vollmer °

Tim Vollmer
School: Benson Graduation Year: 1965

Year Inducted: 2004

Sports Played: Basketball, Track and Field

High School Honors: PIL discus champion three consecutive years, setting PIL Meet discus record of 174 feet, 1/2 inch; State discus champion junior and senior years; winning throw of 178 feet, 10 inches senior year one of longest in nation that year; Three-year basketball letterman

Post High School Career: U.S. National Champion in 1971; eighth in 1972 Olympic Games; second in 1971 Pan Am, Pan Pacific Games

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Richard RottoRichard Rotto

Benson ~ 1956 ~ Swimming three-year letter winner; State Meet record holder in 100-yard breaststroke; PIL Champion in 50- and 100-yard breaststroke; Held Oregon AAU record for 100-yard breaststroke for