Photo of Jerry Gatto

Jerry Gatto °Jerry Gatto °

Photo of Jerry Gatto
School: Cleveland (Commerce) Graduation Year: Coach

Year Inducted: 2012

Sport Played: Coach

Post High School Career: Baseball coach, 1969-1980; 1979 PIL Champions, three division playoff teams. Metro Head Coach, 1979 Metro/State All-Star game. Baseball coach Lewis & Clark College, 1980-2002; Northwest Conference Championships three times; five NAIA District II titles, one Area 1 Title (West Coast) and World Series finalist. Hall of Fame Inductions at Cleveland High School, Lewis & Clark College (1990 team), NAIA District II, Oregon H.S. Baseball Coaches, and Portland Interscholastic League. President of Oregon HS Baseball Coaches Association, 1976-77. OABA Lifetime Achievement Award, NWC Meritorious Award, Nike-Oregon Team of the Year Award. Founder, NW Star Academy, a non-profit 50l (C)(3) organization to create a positive and fun atmosphere for youth through the Sport of Baseball.


The PIL and my coaching experience at Cleveland H.S. was instrumental in providing me the opportunity to develop the confidence and belief attitude to be the best you can be and to believe in yourself. The opportunity to share those principals with the student-athletes was truly a humbling and satisfying experience.

Tradition, respect, ethics and a close bond were just a few reflections that shaped my life — both on the athletic field and in my personal life. Yes, the games were important; the successes and setbacks relived many times; but, most important were the positive memories and life’s continued experiences that will never be taken away and will last a lifetime.

Yes, it takes a team to withstand the challenges, adversities and temporary setbacks we are faced with on the athletic battle field. Those who truly understand the term “success” realize that together each of us can enjoy the victory; that we gave our best; and players, coaches and the appropriate community support is the true evaluation of the ultimate winner.

The PIL and my Cleveland HS experience did all that for me personally; enabled me to take that same philosophy to the next level and realize that dreams do come true.

My advice to all from my experience is to stay the course, believe in yourselves, and good things will happen! I am very proud to be a PIL believer!!!

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