Photo of Mitch Gronvold

Mitch GronvoldMitch Gronvold

Photo of Mitch Gronvold
School: Cleveland (Commerce) Graduation Year: 1977

Year Inducted: 2007

Sports Played: Football, Track and Field

High School Honors: Three-year Football letter winner; Second Team All-PIL junior year; First Team All-PIL Offense and Defense senior year; First Team All-State Offense, 3rd Team All-State Defense senior year. Two-year Basketball letter winner. Two-year Track and Field letter winner.

Post High School Career: Three-year letter winner at Portland State University. Has coached freshman football at Milwaukie HS.


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Cleveland (Commerce) ~ 1958 ~ 2-year football letter winner, quarterback and team captain as senior, named 2nd team All-PIL. 3-year basketball letter winner, All-PIL and second leading league scorer as