Photo of Bryce Burgess

Bryce BurgessBryce Burgess

Photo of Bryce Burgess
School: Franklin Graduation Year: 2008

Year Inducted: 2017

Sports Played: Cross Country, Track and Field

High School Honors: 4-year Cross Country letterman. PIL District Champion as a Junior and Senior; State Champion as a Senior.
4-year Track & Field letterman. PIL District Champion in 3000M as a Junior and Senior; State Champ as a Senior. 3rd at 1500M at District and State as a Junior and Senior. Multnomah Athletic Club Scholar Athlete; Gatorade Athlete of the Year as a Senior.

Post High School Career: U of O graduate in Product Design. 4-year Track & Field and 2-year Cross Country letterman. Previous work on bicycle design at the Center for Appropriate Transport (CAT), a non-profit organization with community supported agriculture, public workshops, and cargo bicycle manufacturing. Presently a residential appraiser with Harper Appraisal in Portland.


Any accomplishments I may have had in my athletic career—high school through collegiate—were, at the core, inspired or molded by coach, mentor, and friend Jacob Michaels (co-head coach in cross country and track at Franklin). A big shout out to him!

Running is a sport where you spend a lot of time in your head, often debating whether you can or can’t do something-musing about what you want to do and then what you need to do to accomplish it. When fatigue sets in, doubt creeps in with it. The good athlete has, in those moments, figured out how to stifle paralyzing doubt by thinking/saying “hell yeah, I can do it!”

Dealing with doubt—I think that’s the greatest thing I’ve learned through athletics. It transcends all aspects of life. This growth, through the combination of training and belief, pushes one through moments of paralyzing doubt.

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