Ron Johnson (Franklin, 1960)

Ron JohnsonRon Johnson

Ron Johnson (Franklin, 1960)
School: Franklin Graduation Year: 1960

Sports Played: Football, Wrestling, Baseball, Track and Field

Year Inducted: 2023

High School Honors: 3 Football letters.
4 Wrestling letters. Excelled in Wrestling with PIL runner-up finishes in 123lbs and 130lbs as a Freshman and Sophomore, and PIL and State Champion as a Junior and Senior.
2 Track & Field letters. 2 Baseball letters.
He was Franklin’s Valedictorian in 1960 and served as Student Body President.

Post High School Career: Earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering at University of Washington and continued to excel in wrestling with four letters and the Outstanding Wrestler of the 1964 Pac 6 Tournament, winner of the 157lbs weight class; Team Captain. Wrestled for the Multnomah Athletic Club from 1965-1973.
Founded a Mechanical Company and sold it after 15 years and served 40 years as a registered plumber. Helped start the West Linn Youth Soccer and Youth Wrestling Clubs in 1975, which are still going strong. The wrestling club of grade school participants won the State title in 2023. Ron’s son Lance coaches Wrestling at Ida B. Wells High School.


What inspired me in athletics: Little League Baseball and other organized activities: church basketball and Boy Scouts.

Lessons: I learned to lose and compete with honor.


  1. My Babe Ruth league won the World Series (I didn’t play)
  2. Franklin High Wrestling won City Tournament for 3 years (’56-’59)
  3. Two individual state championships proved to be better than scholarship in providing college.

Lasting Thoughts: Hard work habits (from sports) led to successful business life.

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