Photo of Denise Lucas

Denise Lucas °Denise Lucas °

Photo of Denise Lucas
School: Jefferson Graduation Year: 1985

Year Inducted: 2009

Sports Played: Basketball, Track and Field

High School Honors: Track and Field four-year letter winner; Best ever Jefferson HS Track and Field Athlete, winning five State Meet titles – Long Jump twice, 100 and 200-meter Dash; 4×100 Relay – and six PIL titles – Long Jump three times, 200-meter Dash, 4×100-meter Relay twice; Member 1984 State Championship Team; 1985 State 2nd place team; Basketball letter winner

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Howard HoganHoward Hogan

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Photo of Don Kirsch  *

Don Kirsch *Don Kirsch *

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Photo of Terry Baker

Terry BakerTerry Baker

Jefferson ~ 1959 ~ All-American football quarterback. First team All-State and All-PIL two years. Played in three high school all-star games in 1959. Member of two State Championship teams. Two-time