Photo of Jack Hambleton

Jack HambletonJack Hambleton

Photo of Jack Hambleton
School: Jefferson Graduation Year: 1961

Year Inducted: 2018

Sports Played: Football

High School Honors: 2 Football letters, 1st Team All-PIL and 1st Team All-State center and linebacker as a Senior; on Championship Football teams both years; State runner-up as a Junior.

Post High School Career: 4 Football letters at Lewis & Clark College, All-Northwest Conference linebacker as a Junior and Senior; 1st team Small College All- American as a Senior. Received Bachelor’s degree at L&C; became a Lieutenant in the Army through Officer Candidate School, serving 8 years, including a year in Vietnam. Earned an MBA Degree from University of Portland. Worked in retail management and retired in 2006 after a 30-year career in the roofing industry. Inducted into the Lewis & Clark Hall of Fame in 1986.


My interest in athletics started early while following my uncle Tommy Georgeades’ career as an All-PIL guard playing for Benson Tech (a 1956 grad). He went on to college and served in the Marine Corps where he also played football.

Also, I was influenced by excellent coaches at Jefferson. Freshman coach Forrest Dalrymple didn’t have anyone go out for Center/Linebacker so I raised my hand and got the job. Robert Hull coached sophomore season, taught us fundamentals and finer points of the game. He also became assistant varsity coach. Tom Desylvia varsity coach had great chalk talks: “When the going gets tough the tough get going.”

Vocational roles: After graduating Lewis & Clark College, I assisted head coach Fred Wilson with volunteer help coaching linebackers. I also got married (celebrated 53 years in 2018), I also got drafted. I enlisted in the Army to attend Officer Candidate School. My football training helped immensely in making it through OCS. After my military service (including a year in Vietnam) I worked in the retail industry in various management positions. The last 30 years of my working life was in the roofing industry retiring in 2006. I did help with our two sons with their soccer teams along the way when I could. They were both good athletes and continue to keep themselves in great shape.

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