Photo of Greg Slavens

Greg SlavensGreg Slavens

Photo of Greg Slavens
School: Lincoln Graduation Year: 1967

Year Inducted: 2013

Sports Played: Football, Cross Country, Basketball, Track and Field

High School Honors: Football: 3-year letter winner; 1st Team All-PIL and 2nd Team All-State as a Senior; member of Shrine Team; National Football Foundation Scholar. Basketball: 2-year letter winner. Track & Field: 4-year letter winner; PIL Champion in 440 Yard Dash as a Senior; 2nd in 220 Yard Dash and 440 Yard Relay as a Senior.

Post High School Career: Ran Track at Oregon State University.


Although I participated in football, basketball, and track, I seldom went through a season without limiting injuries. As the injuries piled up and reduced my participation, I learned to cope with adversity and disappointment. After leaving high school and facing extended injuries and illness, my experience in high school sports helped me cope with my situation.

My degree is in chemical engineering and most of my career was spent doing metallurgical research for the federal government. My research has been published in national and international publications and journals. I then became the environmental manager at the research center and oversaw much of its environmental cleanup and instituted procedures to maintain a clean environment.

I still enjoy physical activities such as skiing, snowshoeing, jogging, biking, hiking, and backpacking.

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