Hannah Oken-Berg Smith (Lincoln, 2005)

Hannah Oken-Berg SmithHannah Oken-Berg Smith

Hannah Oken-Berg Smith (Lincoln, 2005)
School: Lincoln Graduation Year: 2005

Sports Played: Cross Country, Basketball, Track and Field

Year Inducted: 2023

High School Honors: 4 Cross Country letters. Most Inspirational as Senior.
4 Basketball letters. 2nd Team All-PIL as a Freshman and Sophomore, 1st Team All-PIL and 2nd Team All-State as a Junior and Senior; PIL Champions as Junior and Senior.
4 Track & Field letters. High jump and triple jump; Lincoln Sportswoman of the Year as a Senior.

Post High School Career: Four-year Basketball starter at Carleton College (Minn.); Conference All-Star three years. BS degree in Nursing from Georgetown, 2012; Certified Radiology Nurse, 2021. Served at Harbor View Medical Center in Seattle, a Trauma One center for four states since 2014.


Being involved in athletics fundamentally changed the way I see and go through life. Athletics taught me self-discipline, leadership, mental toughness, how to handle fear and failure, but most importantly, it taught me the importance of working as a team. I learned that in order to be truly successful, you have to be able to communicate effectively and work collaboratively with the people around you. This has been a skill that I’ve used throughout my life, but it has especially served me in my role as a critical care nurse, working in high stress, life and death situations.

Thinking back, yes, winning is great but I honestly hardly remember any games or meets. What I remember most is the time spent with my teammates. Some of my fondest memories were on late night bus rides from out-of-town games, pre-meet meals at the Old Spaghetti Factory, using puff paint and glitter to personalize shirts for spirit days, and countless locker room heart to hearts. Many of these people I still remain friends with, even decades later. I will always be grateful to my family, my coaches, my teammates, and my friends, who enriched my sports experience and made it possible for me to compete.

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Ken ScalesKen Scales

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