Photo of Dale Derrick

Dale DerrickDale Derrick

Photo of Dale Derrick
School: Roosevelt Graduation Year: 1970

Year Inducted: 2015

Sports Played: Football, Basketball, Track and Field

High School Honors: 2-year Football Letterman, 1st team All-PIL, junior and senior. 3-year Basketball Letterman, honorable mention All-PIL, senior 2-year Track Letterman, hurdle events.

Post High School Career: Oregon State University. Injuries shortened collegiate athletics. Owner/operator of the Wooden Chicken Pub, a sports bar and grill in Portland for 22 years; now retired.


The attention and coaching from two assistant coaches, Chuck Kearney and Jack Taylor were very instrumental in my development as a student and athlete. The disciplines and structure I learned helped carry me through daily challenges in personnel life and business success.

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Photo of Mike Satterlee

Mike SatterleeMike Satterlee

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Gene Gray (Roosevelt, 1937)

Gene Gray *Gene Gray *

School: Roosevelt Graduation Year: 1937 Year Inducted: 2020 Sports Played: Football, Baseball High School Honors: 3 Football Letters, 1st Team All-PIL and Player of the Year as a Senior. 2