Photo of Joe Duran

Joe DuranJoe Duran

Photo of Joe Duran
School: Roosevelt Graduation Year: 1994

Year Inducted: 2019

Sports Played: Football, Basketball, Baseball

High School Honors: 3 Football letters. 1st Team All-PIL as Running Back and Defensive Back as Senior. Shrine All-Star on Offense and Defense; MVP in Football, broke Roosevelt’s single season rushing record as Senior.
2 Basketball letters.
4 Baseball letters. 1st Team All-PIL as Senior Shortstop, batting 429; led PIL in stolen bases as Junior and Senior. Roosevelt Athlete of the Year and Citizenship Award Winner as Senior.

Post High School Career: Chemeketa CC and PSU, 1 year each of Baseball. BS in Social Science from PSU, Masters in Education from Concordia. Taught for 18 years. Coached Football, Softball and Baseball at Cleveland (2008-2015) and Baseball at Wilson (1999-2001 & 2007-2009). Varsity Baseball Coach at Pittsburg High School in California (2002-2006). Currently coaches Portland Barbers American Legion Team; won 9 consecutive Zone #2 League Titles.


I would like to thank Ed DeFreitas and the PIL Hall of Fame committee for selecting me to be a part of this exceptional group of volunteers, community members, coaches and athletes. Throughout my career in athletics I have been fortunate to have won a few awards and achieve some memorable accomplishments, but being inducted to the PIL Hall of Fame is at the top of the list. Thank you to my coaches and teammates, without you, I wouldn’t be in this position.

It’s an honor to be inducted in the same class as two other north Portland natives as well. Jason Porter, one of the best student athletes to ever come out of North Portland and someone I have looked up to and have known for as long as I can remember. And Isaiah Johnson, who I never got a chance to see play, but has been described to me by numerous coaches as one of the best running backs they have ever seen play. Congratulations you two.

Whether it was sneaking in to Howard Hall in the middle of the night for some half-court basketball, or winning my first district 1 little league title with my friends, or playing one-on-one baseball at busy kids with Abino Vazques, or playing HORSE on a Nerf hoop at midnight in Casey Wecker’s living room, I have always loved competing. It’s a rush that can’t be replaced. Once I got to Portsmouth middle school. I was consumed with sports, as were most of my closest friends.

During my four years at Roosevelt I got the opportunity to learn from, play with and compete against some of the best athletes in the state. Throughout my school years, I was mentored and taught by some of the best coaches and teachers in Portland Public Schools. Bob Olson, Jon Yoshiwara, Jeff Hollamon, Ralph Balducci, Roger Casciani, Jerry Campbell, and Jim MacDicken, thank you for your hard work and dedication. The life lessons I learned from all of you through sports; hard work, teamwork, preparation, and dedication are all things that have helped shape who I am today. To Mike Clopton, the man who can get more done in a day than most people can get done in a week thanks for getting me started in my coaching career, and for being a great mentor and friend.

If I could do my high school athletic career all over again, which is something most of us think about at some point in our life, I would change a few things, but attending Roosevelt isn’t one of them. It was a special place, with special people, during a special time. I cherish the memories, and friendships that I made and the lessons that I learned. Beating a #1 ranked Madison squad in Baseball, and upsetting an undefeated Marshall football team and the look on coach Hollamon’s face afterwards are things I’ll never forget. I can still hear Coach MacDicken’s pre-game speeches in my head like it was yesterday. Twenty-five years later I still get chills thinking about them.

To my parents, who have been the biggest influences on my life, and my biggest supporters, thanks for the example you set and the wonderful life you provided for Jennifer and I. To my wife Rachael, thank you for your support and patience while I try to give back through coaching. Tonight, I feel like one of the luckiest guys in the world. In the famous words of coach Mac, if you cut me open right now, I’d probably bleed black and gold! I’m proud to be a Roughrider and proud to be a member of the 2019 class PIL Hall of Fame!

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Joe Gray *Joe Gray *

School: Roosevelt Graduation Year: 1934 Year Inducted: 2020 Sports Played: Football, Baseball High School Honors: 3 Football Letters, 1st Team All-PIL as a Junior and Senior, and 2 Base- ball