Photo of Herb Normandine  *

Herb Normandine *Herb Normandine *

Photo of Herb Normandine  *
School: Washington Graduation Year: 1914

Year Inducted: 2005

Sports Played: Football, Basketball, Baseball

High School Honors: Three-year football letter winner. Two-time First Team All-PIL; 1912 team ranked No. 1 in country. Baseball letter winner. Basketball letter winner.

Post High School Career: Four-year football letter winner at University of Oregon.


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Photo of Robert Curry

Robert CurryRobert Curry

Washington ~ 1974 ~ 1-year Football Letterman. 1-year Basketball Letterman. 4-year Track & Field Letterman. PIL Champion, 100 yard (10.0), 220 yard (22.1) and 440 yard (44.1) relays; State Champion,

Photo of Ralph Krafve

Ralph Krafve °Ralph Krafve °

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Photo of Don White  *

Don White *Don White *

Washington ~ 1948 ~ Three-year baseball letter winner. Two-time First Team All-PIL (pitcher). Three-year basketball letter winner. Team leading scorer; Played in State Tournament.