Mike Holm (Wilson, 1980)

Mike HolmMike Holm

Mike Holm (Wilson, 1980)
School: Wilson Graduation Year: 1980

Sports Played: Football, Baseball

Year Inducted: 2023

High School Honors: 2 Football letters. 1st Team All-PIL and All-Metro and Honorable Mention All-State as a Senior.
3 Baseball letters. 1st Team All-PIL and All-Metro as a Senior.

Post High School Career: 4 letters in Baseball at the University of Portland; two seasons in the Baltimore Orioles “Long Season A.” Owner and CEO of a lumber company with 120 employees with two manufacturing plants, one in North Plains, OR, and one in Newberry, SC.


The most inspirational figures during my formative years were first and foremost, my father. He was able to get me on a baseball team that had 10-year-olds when I was only 6. I only played a few games, but I saw that I could compete with boys older than me, and that gave me confidence for the rest of my career. Next were my coaches Ron Sears, Walt Looney, Clayton Ladd, Joe Etzel. Last my wife Dawn, she taught me patience, how to be a parent, how to sacrifice yourself to help others and so much more. All these people helped shape me into what I become as an adult and a contributing member of society.

All my achievements in life have come from the core of athletics. The drive to get better, the work ethic, the ability to put the team first over individual accomplishments. The ability to bounce back from defeat. To persevere through the difficult training, to push yourself more than you could ever imagine. These were the lessons in life that made me what I ‘am today.

My biggest lesson was the best team wasn’t always the most talented. It was the connection that you had with your teammates. To play as a team. Everyone pulling for one cause and persevering over the competition. Sometimes it was the stars on the team that made the special memories. But sometimes it was the least talented player who came through in the clutch, to get a hit, or make a defensive play to win. That taught me the power of a team and how as a team we can accomplish a lot more than any individual. I have taken that approach in business as well. We have built a team approach to everything that we do. We have also hired people who excel in a team environment and have a history in sports. To me teamwork is the most fun and the most rewarding.

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Ann Habernigg (Wilson, 1979)

Ann HaberniggAnn Habernigg

School: Wilson Graduation Year: 1979 Sports Played: Cross Country, Swimming, Soccer Year Inducted: 2023 High School Honors: 1 Cross Country letter. 3 Swimming letters. 3-time Swimming Championship Team, 3-time State

Dave Gammon Jr.

Dave Gammon Jr.Dave Gammon Jr.

Wilson ~ 1962 ~ Football three-year letter winner; Basketball letter winner; Baseball four-year letter winner; 1961 All-PIL 1st Team; 1962 All-PIL 1st Team and All-State 1st Team; Played in inaugural