2012 PIL Hall of Fame Celebration of Champions

Spring PIL Awards and Champions Ceremony

Celebration of Champions event photo

The 2012 PIL Hall of Fame Celebration of Champions was held in the Tiger Woods center on the Nike campus in May, 2012.

This is the occasion on which outstanding PIL scholar/athletes and PIL coaches are honored and recognized for their contributions to the entire PIL athletic program.

2012 Coach of
the Year Award
2012 Assistant Coach of
the Year Award
BensonFred WongIsaiah Clark
ClevelandSuzanne WashingtonJered Buerkle
FranklinGina AmanDerek Davis
GrantDiallo LewisErik Miller
JeffersonAsnegashe YelmaPierre DuBoise
LincolnDennis MuirChristina Archambault
MadisonKurt KrohnErin McNulty
RooseveltChristian SwainKarey Osuna
WilsonKent DorseyAaron Olsen

2012 Paul McCall Award Recipient
Kurt Krohn – Madison HS

2012 Ron Pheister Award Recipient
Jared Buerkle – Cleveland HS

2012 Marsha Richard Coach of the Year
Suzanne Washington – Cleveland HS

2012 Athletic Director of the Year Award
Jeff Peeler – Lincoln HS

2012 Robert Blanchard Distinguished Service Award
Bruce Alton

PIL Hall of Fame 2012 Sportsman of the Year Award

BensonDaniel WallbergWinnie Liu
ClevelandAndy MorrisonLydia Anderson
FranklinJosh NineZoe Chrisman-Miller
GrantBen CriswellCheyenne Lever
JeffersonRaymond BurneySa’Korya Campbell
LincolnSpencer Rotenberg Claire DeVoe
MadisonNykell HunterJustine Mimms
RooseveltJuan MontoyaAsia Greene
WilsonJohnny HergertKate Loftus