December 2022 PIL HOF UpdateDecember 2022 PIL HOF Update

PIL HOF Members of the Month Still on Hold –
We could please use your help please finding a replacement for Steve Brandon

The PIL HOF Member of the Month profiles are still temporarily on hold while we continue to search for a replacement for our missed and beloved Steve Brandon. If you or anyone you know may have interest in helping us with interviews and publishing the profiles please contact Steve Rudolph at [email protected] or 503-449-0438

Mel Krause Memorial PIL HOF Golf Tourney Sept. 11 2023 – SAVE THE DATE!
We anticipate having the Annual Mel Krause Memorial PIL HOF Golf Tournament Sept. 11, 2023 so please save the date! Place, time and format to be determined after the first of the year.

Induction Banquet Name and Date Corrections –

Dean-El, Rufus ’90

Bergmann, Michael ’79

Kersey Kee, Katherine Kay ’81

In Memoriam –
We are sad to report that Ruben Menashe – Grant 51′, Inducted into PIL HOF 2009 passed away Nov. 7, 2022. Please see info below on his life. May his Memory Forever be a Blessing.

Year End Giving –
If you are so inclined to make a charitable cash donation to the PIL HOF by the end of the year please go to  and click on the Support PIL HOF button. Other options for your consideration are below:

  • Make charitable contributions using appreciated assets: Make your charitable contributions with long term appreciated assets whenever possible, instead of using cash. Giving securities directly to a charity (or Donor Advised Fund) not only avoids capital gains taxes but also helps minimize your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) which can reduce your overall tax liability.
  • Make Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) from your IRA: By making distributions of up to $100,000 directly from your IRA to a charity, you avoid including the IRA distribution in your income. This helps to reduce your AGI which is used in many limitations, lowering your taxes and sometimes, if applicable, Medicare premiums.


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