PIL HOF Members of the Month is Back!
(Thanks to Dick Baltus!)
March PIL HOF Members of the Month
Wendy (Peterson) Ingraham and Marlin Grahn
Please click on the below link (you may have to highlight it and right click Go to or Open Link)
to see our PIL HOF Members of the Month
or go to
and click on Featured Members of the Month!
Mel Krause Memorial PIL HOF Golf Tourney Sept. 11 2023 at Langdon Farms Golf Club!
Register now at : https://pilhalloffame.org/events/golf/register/
The Annual Mel Krause Memorial PIL HOF Golf Tournament is scheduled for Sept. 11, 2023 at 1:30pm with a SHOTGUN start! So please SAVE the DATE! Registration will start at 11:30 with with pre-tournament snacks and free range balls. Shotgun start at 1:30 followed by a Buffet Dinner and Awards Ceremony. Registration online and via brochures will be forthcoming. Individual entry will be $160 with a $40 discount if you register and pay for all four players prior to 9/4/23. If you want to hold your spot(s) and/or be one of our Tournament Sponsors below, please contact Steve Rudolph at [email protected] or 503-449-0438.
Sponsorship Opportunities – All receive one complimentary tournament entry other than Hole Sponsor
– Dinner Sponsor $1000
– Tee Prize Sponsor $1000
– Registration/Reception Sponsor $600
– Cart Sponsor $600
– Beverage Sponsor $500
– Raffle Sponsor $500
– Hole-in-One Sponsor $500
– Hosted Hole Sponsor $500
– Hole Sponsor $150
PIL HOF Quiz and Monthly Prize Winner! –
The winner of last month’s quiz and prize with the correct guess of Morgen McAtee-Kelm is Jason Porter!
March Quiz-
Correctly name the following PIL HOF Member below and be entered in a drawing for our monthly prize!
Please submit entries to [email protected]
Who am I ?
I went to Marshall High School and graduated in 1976
Sports Played: Football, Wrestling, Golf
High School Honors: 2 Football letters. 1st Team All-PIL Defensive
Tackle as Senior.
2 Wrestling letters. Heavyweight Division.
4 Golf letters. #2 golfer on the Team as Junior
and Senior, Most Inspirational Golfer Award
as Senior. Recipient of the Norman Bolt
Achievement Award, recipient of the Marshall
Senior Scholar Athlete Award with a 3.85 GPA
Who am I ?
In Memoriam –
We are sad to report that Wesley Austin – Grant 62′, inducted into PIL HOF 2013 passed away January 18, 2023. Please see info below on his life. May his Memory Forever be a Blessing.
Portland Interscholastic League on Social Media –
To get up-to-date results and news from the PIL, see the new PIL Today – News and Stories addition in the PIL website at
To continue to get the latest information on the PIL, please follow them at:
Website: https://www.pilathletics.com/
Instagram: @pil_athletics
Twitter: @PILathletics
Facebook: Portland Interscholastic League
TikTok: Coming Soon!