December 2024 PIL HOF UpdateDecember 2024 PIL HOF Update

The PIL HOF Wishes Everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!


Members or the Month - December 2024

Featured Members of the Month

Peter Williams (Lincoln, 2011)

Peter Williams
(Lincoln, 2011)

Thank you to all those who
responded to our request for
pictures for our new website!

Feel free to send us more PIL-related photos (hopefully with captions) you would like to share. Also page sponsorship opportunities are available!

Please email Steve Rudolph at [email protected] with photos or if interested in sponsorship.

Hover for caption and click for full size


Need an end of the year tax write-off?

Support PIL Student Athletes today and in the future by donating to the
You can help for as little as $5/month.

Where do these donations go?

The two programs below will be the primary beneficiaries:

  • College Access - is a program that the PIL fundraises annually to assist students from PIL to find post high school sport opportunities. Priority is given to students of color or underprivileged youth who attend Franklin, Jefferson, McDaniel and Roosevelt. Students receive a range of services: self-marketing, college visitations, coach relationships and consultation, college application and financial aid, transportation to school and cost associated with registration and housing.
  • Participation fees for PIL Youth Sport Program - PILYSP provide 5000 Middle School students with access to middle school sports. The purpose of the program is to increase the quality of girls' basketball, reduce migration to private schools, develop feeder programs to PIL high schools, and to install academic standards so they are prepared for high school athletics. The contribution will pay the participation fees for students who otherwise could not afford to participate. The cost is $200 per student or $65 for free and reduced lunch.

We will continue to use funds generated by the annual Mel Krause Memorial Golf Tournament to provide financial support and resources to PIL athletics at the request of PIL Athletic Director Marshall Haskins and his staff. This includes, but is not limited to helping offset participation fees, college access support, youth sport program, funding athletic trainers, providing athletic equipment and supplies, and helping with facilities upgrades and maintenance. These funds will also be used, if needed, to offset cost of the annual PIL HOF Induction Banquet.

Supporters have several levels of annual giving or “virtual brick” options:

  • Platinum at $25/month or $500 one-time
  • Gold at $20/month
  • Silver at $10/month
  • Bronze at $5/month
  • Also, a one-time gift in any amount to honor a special person in your life is available.

Additionally, we offer Planned Giving options. You can designate a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or the residue of your estate to the PIL HOF and still provide for your loved ones. Some examples include Bequests in your Will or Living Trust, Beneficiary Designation, Charitable Trusts, Retirement Plan Gifts, Life Insurance, Charitable Gift Annuities, or Stocks & Other Securities. Please consider speaking to your tax advisor and/or lawyer to determine which Planned Giving strategy is best for you.

Please see giving options, the updated wall and donors at our Paying it Forward Wall



  • Steve & Sheryl Rudolph
    Wilson, 1975 & 1977
  • Jack Bertell
    Wilson, 1958
  • Jeff & Mary Dunn
    Wilson, 1974
  • John & Barb Dunn
    Wilson, 1973 & 1975
  • Edwin Harnden
    Barran Liebman, LLP
  • Bruce & Julie Plato
    Wilson, 1974
  • Butch Lumby
    Grant, 1962
  • Jeff Owens
    Marshall, 1975
  • Mary Lou Mulflur
    Grant, 1976
  • Dennis & Lynne Maloney
    Cleveland, 1960
  • Anonymous
    Wilson, 1980
  • Bill Booth
    Madison, 1976
  • Ken Spearing
    Madison, 1975
  • David Bailey
    Lincoln Coach
  • Mike Keller
    Madison, 1975
  • Tom Trebelhorn
    Cleveland, 1966
  • Joel Fowlks
    Lincoln, 1997
  • Jack and Jean Dunn
    Cleveland, 1947
  • Karen Strong
    Marshall, 1973
  • Sharon & Jim Smith
    Wilson, 1961
  • Scott & Dana Cress
    Lincoln, 1964
  • Greg Moss
    Madison, 1978
  • Dan Jones
    Marshall, 1978
  • Jason Porter
    Ida B Wells, 1989
  • Ed de Freitas
    Roosevelt, 1969
  • Jeff & Mary Erdman
    Madison, 1977
  • Jim Dunn
    Wilson, 1976
  • Tom Dodd
    Benson, 197

In Honor of:

  • Jack Bertell
    Wilson, 1958
    (Teri Bertell Hildreth)
  • David Bailey
    Lincoln, Coach
    (Joel Fowlks)
  • Sue Plato
    (Daniel Driscoll)

In Memory of:

  • Roy Love
    Cleveland, 1955
    (Arvalene Love)
  • Todd Shaw
    Franklin, 1990
    (Denise Shaw)
  • Steve Brandon
    Cleveland, 1972
    (Jan Watt)
  • Jean & George Cheshire
    Lincoln Coaches
    (David Bailey, Lincoln coach)
  • Jean Cheshire
    Lincoln, Coach
    (Kali Bader)
  • Mark Cotton
    Grant, Coach
    (David Bailey, Lincoln coach)
  • Wes Austin
    Grant, 1962
  • Mel Krause
    Cleveland, 1946
    (Jan Krause)
  • Roy Love
    Cleveland, 1955
    (Leann Cahill Kjemhus)


2025 PIL HOF Annual Mel Krause Memorial Golf Tournament Registration Open Now!

Registration is now available for 2025 Tournament at Langdon Farms on September 8th at 2025 PIL HOF Golf  

(Spots already reserved for over half the field!)

If you want to secure your spot please email Steve Rudolph at [email protected] or give him a call at 503-449-0438.

REGISTRATION and LUNCH begin at 11:30 followed by a 1:30 Shotgun Start


Title Sponsor - The Harold and Margaret Taylor Foundation
Tee Prize Sponsor - The Clopton Team
Dinner Sponsor - The Rudolph Team - Cascade Hasson SIR
Cart Sponsor - Walsh Construction Co.
Lunch Sponsor - Direct Sales, LLC
Beverage Sponsor - The Barbers
Raffle Sponsor - Manor Management Services, Inc.
Registration Sponsor - The Denny Sullivan Foundation
Long Drive Sponsor - Turner Construction Co.

Sponsorships Available Now for 2025!

2024 PIL Hall of Fame Sponsor Grid


The PIL Presents
The Pacific Office Automation Holiday Classic
You’re Invited!

Join us in supporting over 1,200 high school female athletes this winter at the Pacific Office Automation Holiday Classic, a three-day basketball tournament! Learn more about this tournament at

My name is Heather, and I represent the Portland Interscholastic League (PIL) which is the Athletic Department of Portland Public Schools. I’m excited to invite you to be part of this incredible event taking place during winter break on December 27th, 28th, and 30th. This tournament is proudly sponsored by Pacific Office Automation and presented by BSN and Nike.

Our goal is to create an elite experience for female student-athletes, coaches, and fans. As the tournament has expanded over the past six years, we have recognized the need for additional funding and donations to ensure we keep costs minimal while providing the best possible experience for our young athletes.

We have maintained entry prices well below the average of other premier tournaments. To enhance the experience, we employ game workers to assist teams, fans, and officials, and we provide hospitality rooms with catered lunches and dinners for coaches, officials, school administrators, sponsors, and game workers.

I am reaching out to you to present an opportunity to support our youth and make this event exceptional for our athletes and stakeholders.
Please consider contributing in one or more of the following ways:

    • Monetary Donations: Connect with us to become a sponsor, or to make a donation of any amount. Please specify your contribution in the memo line.
    • In-Kind Donations: We welcome goodies such as water, snacks, and giveaways for our athletes during the tournament.
    • Hospitality Room Donations: We provide lunch (appx 50-60) and dinner (appx 60-70 attendees) at our venues: Franklin, Grant, McDaniel, and Lincoln over the three day tournament.

Please contact me at [email protected] or 971-978-7278 to schedule your contributions.

Thank you for considering this opportunity. I look forward to discussing how you can become a sponsor, partner, or donor for the PIL!


Portland Interscholastic League on Social Media -

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