Kayla Smith
(Benson, 2009)
Ron Wold
(Jackson, 1981)
Lunch Conversations with Greg Crawford
PIL HOF Members Jack Dunn, Dwight Jaynes, Gabe Sandy, and Mike Clopton on Video!
Join Greg Crawford (Cleveland, 1968) as he talks with PIL HOF members. Catch the latest episodes before they're gone!
2024 PIL HOF Annual Mel Krause Memorial Golf Tournament
Sept. 9 at Langdon Farms
One Foursome Left!!!!
Registration is now available for the 2024 PIL HOF Golf Tournament, if you want to secure your spot please email Steve Rudolph at [email protected] or give him a call at 503-449-0438.
REGISTRATION and LUNCH begin at 11:30 followed by a 1:30 Shotgun Start
Announcements: Our intent is to have everyone register and pay online prior to tournament if you are able to at our 2024 PIL HOF Golf page.
If paying at tournament, please bring cash/check as a back-up if you are able to do so. We plan on taking credit cards, but have been bit by gremlins in the past.
Title Sponsor - The Harold and Margaret Taylor Foundation
Tee Prize Sponsor - The Clopton Team
Dinner Sponsor - The Rudolph Team - Cascade Hasson SIR
Cart Sponsor - Walsh Construction Co.
Lunch Sponsor - Direct Sales, LLC
Beverage Sponsor - The Barbers
Raffle Sponsor - Manor Management Services, Inc.
Registration Sponsor - The Denny Sullivan Foundation
Long Drive Sponsor - Turner Construction Co.
Additional Sponsorships Still Available!
PIL HOF Induction Ceremony
The PIL HOF Induction Ceremony is to be held Oct. 20, 2024, at the Double Tree by Hilton Lloyd Center.
For tickets or more information please call Jack Bertell at 503-244-1533 or go to PILHallofFame.org/events/induction-banquet/
Have a PIL related story or photo you would like to share?
If so, please email to Steve Rudolph at [email protected]
Directly Support the PIL District Office by
Participating in the 11th Annual PIL Open Golf Tournament
Monday September 16th
Columbia Edgewater Country Club
2024 PIL Open Registration and information
Portland Interscholastic League on Social Media -
- To get up-to-date results and news from the PIL, see the new PIL Today - News and Stories page at the PIL website. Archived stories available as well. (Note,
- To continue to get the latest information on the PIL, please follow them at:
Website (website not functioning currently): PIL Athletics - PIL Today Weekly Newsletter
https://www.smore.com/uqjwb-pil-today - Get the latest on PIL Youth Sports
- Ida B Wells Athletics Weekly
- Instagram: @pil_athletics
- Twitter: @PILAthletics
- Facebook: Portland Interscholastic League
- TikTok: Coming Soon!